Junior Degree Check (BA/BS)

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At the start of your Junior year, you are required to complete a Junior Degree Check. This formalized third-year degree audit requires you to identify the remaining number of courses/credits for your degree among:

  • General Education requirements
  • Major requirements
  • Any eventual Minor requirements
  • Open electives

We also ask that you spend time determining the most desirable sequencing of these requirements.

Please read the instructions below carefully.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Students:

  1. Prepare your degree check information. You can do this on paper by following the PDF icon JDC tutorial.pdf
    a) Print your unofficial transcript from your student portal and your degree requirement sheet(s)
    b) Identify fulfilled and remaining requirements/credits
  2. Complete the webform below.
  3. You can upload any documents that could serve as support for when your JDC gets reviewed by your advisor and the Advising Center.
  4. Click on the “draft” button.
  5. Schedule an appointment to see your advisor (we recommend you copy and paste your DRAFT into the email asking for an appointment, allowing the advisor to preview the information you entered ahead of time).

Directions for advisors:

  1. The day of the appointment with your advisee, he/she will need to login to retrieve his/her draft.
  2. Please review the student’s draft making sure the information is accurate concerning their target graduation term, remaining courses and credits, and planned courses per semester. Use the Note box for any additional comments.
  3. Use the section at the bottom reserved for your use, select one of the Advisor’s approval options and click on the “approved by advisor” button.

The Advising Center will review the final submission and provide feedback if any concerns detected.


  • Minimum required grades:
    - English (up to EN 2020), French (up to FR1200): ‘C’
    - Other General Education Requirements: earning credit in the course ('D-')
    - Major/Minor coursework: ‘C-'
    - Open electives: simply earning credit in the course ('D-')
  • Do not count credit for classes which are currently being repeated or will be repeated in future.
  • Students need minimum 128 credits to complete their degree.
  • All course substitutions must appear as part of the student’s transcript. Please have the student complete the necessary paperwork should one or several be missing.