Please note that this form is NOT for babysitting, childcare, or part-time English teaching or tutoring job offers. If you would like to submit a job offer of this kind, please send a description of the opportunity to
Veuillez noter que ce formulaire N’EST PAS destiné aux offres d'emploi de garde d'enfants, d'enseignement ou de tutorat d'anglais à temps partiel. Si vous souhaitez soumettre une offre d'emploi de ce type, veuillez envoyer une description de l'offre à
Nous vous invitons à déposer votre offre de stage ou d'emploi à l'attention de nos étudiants et de nos anciens élèves ci-dessous.
If you would like to post a job or internship offer at AUP, please complete the submission form below. Interested students apply directly, per the instructions in the job posting. The offer will be shared in one or more of the following ways:
AUP’s job and internship database, which is accessible to current and former students, faculty and staff
AUP’s career Instagram page
Via email to relevant student cohorts
Through faculty and staff