Alumni Representatives

Thank you for raising your hand to become an AUP alumni representative. We are thrilled to welcome you to our team. Help us get to know you better by filling out the form below and including the best way to contact you. Please note that some of the information you share will be made visible to the AUP community on the Alumni Representative website.


Do you know someone who would make a great representative? You can recommend someone by emailing

This email will be visible to others on the Alumni Representative website
Your city will be visible to others on the Alumni Representative website
About You
Please share the type of degree you earned from AUP and what you studied
Please share 1-2 sentences about yourself for the AUP community (occupation, interests, passion projects, etc.). This will be visible to others on the Alumni Representative website.
What clubs, events, campus work, etc. did you participate in?
Do you have any ideas for how Alumni Representatives could help AUP connect more with alumni?
Please include a recent photo that we can include on the Alumni Representative website.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
By checking this box you consent to your information being shared on the AUP Alumni Representatives website, being contacted by AUP alumni and adhering to University privacy policies regarding the sharing of data and information. For more information about how your data is shared, please contact To edit any of the information you shared above, please contact