Cultural Program Memories

Every year since AUP's founding, students have participated in AUP's Cultural Program, study trips that take them beyond the borders of Paris to explore different subjects, countries, cultures, languages, and ways of thinking. From Sweden to Ghana, India to Sarajevo and Belgrade, spending just one week-end abroad can be enough to change your life. What was your favorite study trip? Share your favorite memories by filling out the form below.

Photos are welcomed. Your anecodotes and photos may be shared with the AUP community through social media, the Alumni Compass or the website.

Contact Details
If desired, upload a photo from your AUP Cultural Program.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.

We'd love to keep in touch with you. For more information, or to share more AUP memories, you can reach us at

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