Declare Retroactive Organization Membership/Leadership in AUP Engage

Were you a member of a student organization or club in the past and you want that experience to appear on your CCR and count for GPS credit?

The GPS team has made significant efforts to load as much retroactive information as possible onto your profile in AUP Engage. Make sure you take some time to thoroughly check out your progress through your GPS Path and your CCR first. Once you’ve done so, there will likely be some things you wish to add.

The AUP Engage platform tracks three types of information:

  1. Organization membership (declare via this web form)
  2. Reported Experiences (Declare on AUP Engage using the Reported Experiences tool. To access on AUP Engage, click your personal menu at the top right, then click "Experiences").
  3. Event Attendance (not able to be tracked retroactively)

The tracking of organization membership in AUP Engage includes your membership in clubs, sports teams, recreational activity clubs, committees, student government, ARC/tutoring, ASM Board, etc. Since AUP Engage is a new tool at AUP, launched in Spring 2019, your memberships before Spring 2019 may or may not have been tracked in your AUP Engage profile. If you were a member of an organization, or held a leadership role, and that information is not reflected on your CCR, the GPS team offers you a process to declare that information and, subject to its validation, have it added to your CCR and, when applicable, receive GPS credit.


You must submit the web form one time for each individual membership/leadership role that you wish to declare.

After you have submitted the web form, the GPS team will work to validate your declaration, and once validated, the organization membership/leadership role will be added to your CCR and, if applicable, you will receive GPS credit. You will not be notified when your declaration is validated (so be sure to check back on your CCR & GPS Path regularly), however you will be contacted if the GPS team requires more information or is unable to validate your declaration.

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