Depending upon your program and entering status (first-year, transfer, etc.), most of your course registration for your first semester can be done online. Other course selections will require the results of placement tests at Orientation and will need to be done after your level is determined. Electives can also be selected on-line as appropriate to your program. Still other course registrations will require a meeting with your advisor or program director.
How registration works for you
You are able to register after you have completed all the checklist tasks in step one, as well as the appropriate placement tests, and reviewed the advising process specific to your program.You must be logged in to register, by choosing 'Register for Courses' in the checklist at the top of the page.
If you are: | What you need to know about registering: | When registration takes place |
Entering AUP First-year Student | You will be able to select your FirstBridge course and place into your French class using the links provided. The English Placement Exam will be available online and you will have the option to take the exam at any time using online proctoring software or during scheduled sessions with an AUP faculty member. The Quantitative Reasoning (math) Waiver Exam will be available online at any time using online proctoring software. | You can register your preferences online via our first-year students web form. Registration confirmation begins in mid-June for students entering AUP in fall and mid-November for students entering AUP in spring. Ideally you should complete all exams (French, English, and math) that you will need to take before registration begins – before you submit the web form with your choice of First Bridge. |
Transfer Students | Once you have completed your Transfer Credit Evaluation form and met with your Advisor, your advisor will register you based on the results of your consultation. | You can make an appointment now via your checklist. Appointments will span from May through the end of the summer for students entering AUP in fall. Students entering AUP in spring can make appointments starting in November. Your courses will be confirmed directly afterward. If possible, you should complete all exams (French, English, and math) that you will need to take before your advising appointment. |
Entering First Year Abroad Student (USC, GW, Tulane) | You will be directed to the course listing that matches your school program requirements to AUP courses. You will be able to then set up an appointment with your advisor, your advisor who will register you based on the results of both your consultation and placement levels. | You can start planning your courses now. Registration appointments begin on June 7 and end on June 30 for students entering in fall semesters. If possible, you should complete all exams (French, English, and math) that you will need to take before your advising appointment. |
Visitor/Coop (one semester only) | You will work with your home advisor to establish a list of courses you can take while at AUP, verifying that you have appropriate pre-requisites. You will request your courses online and an AUP advisor will then take care of registering and confirming your schedule. | You can place your request for courses now via your checklist. Registrations will be confirmed throughout the summer for students joining AUP in fall semesters and mid-November for students attending AUP in the spring. |
Graduate Students | During Orientation week, you will meet with Program director and/or a specialized advisor. At this time, you will work out a tailored registration that matches both your degree requirements and your academic interests. | Your courses will be registered and confirmed during Orientation week. |